NexusForum2024 Summit – event report

September 30, 2024

On 19-20 September 2024, about 200 experts from the industry, academia, policy makers, freelancers, from the European cloud, edge, IoT, telco, gathered together in Brussels to take part in the NexusForum2024 Summit.

The rapid consolidation of the Edge Computing paradigm is having an extraordinary impact on Europe at scientific, technological, socio-economic, and geopolitical levels, as traditionally separated fields like High Performance Computing, Cloud, and IoT are now converging into a large and heterogeneous Computing Continuum that brings a number of amazing opportunities but also significant practical challenges.

Supported by the European Commission through the Horizon Europe programme, NexusForum2024 Summit, an in-person event, aimed at exploring technological synergies between the European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud, the EU companies and Members States involved in the IPCEI on Cloud Infrastructure & Services, and the community of EU-funded research and innovation projects.

Spread across 2 days, the event involved multiple keynote presentations right from vision and directives of the European Commission and the new parliament, the role and vision of the EU Observatory of the digital transition and single markets, to thought provoking keynotes on technocapitalism, Europe’s unique identity, equality and relationality! There were presentations from the DOME (Distributed Open Marketplace from Europe), from the European Edge Observatory, pitch presentations from the IPCEI partners, as well as from the European research and innovation community of projects showcasing their exploitable results. 

Several in depth panel discussions took place covering the topic of European digital sovereignty, cognitive cloud as the key enabler for the european data spaces, can diversity and inclusion close the tech talent and skills gap to finally discussing the future of the cognitive computing continuum. 

An in depth analysis and findings of the summit will be published in the coming days highlighting the key learnings, future outlook, topics, keywords, etc. Meanwhile, we would like you to access the presentations and the photos from the event. 

Stay tuned for the full report and the sessions recordings.


You can download a selection of the presentations during the NexusForum Summit 2024.