Adoption Plans

European actors are generally familiar with Cloud and IoT technologies, while the edge is behind.

Familiarity with Cloud-Edge-IoT

(% of Respondents)

No Data Found

These figures are also confirmed by the usage of technologies, where the cloud comes first, with 36% of users already extensively adopting it and 36% to a limited extent, followed by IoT (17% and 33%). In comparison, the edge lags behind (7%).

Overall, these numbers suggest a state of market immaturity.

Usage Plans for Cloud-Edge-IoT

(% of Respondents)

No Data Found

Cloud Usage Plans

Cloud adoption surpasses IoT and edge adoption, with a significant number of companies (18%) planning to use cloud services within the next 24 months, indicating untapped potential in the market.

Adoption rates vary across industries, with manufacturers leading the way, as 42% already extensively use the cloud and 37% to a limited extent. Transport, healthcare, and energy sectors closely follow suit, while agriculture lags in adoption. Nevertheless, even in agriculture, most respondents (over 80%) anticipate future cloud usage.

Usage Plans for Cloud-Edge-IoT

(% of Respondents)

No Data Found

Edge Usage Plans

Compared to cloud and IoT, edge adoption is currently lower, with limited extensive usage reported by only 6% of industrial sectors and 23% using it to a limited extent.

However, there is a potential for rapid adoption in the coming years, with 30% of industries planning to adopt it within the next 24 months. Interestingly, the adoption of edge computing varies among industries, with healthcare leading in reported adoption, followed by manufacturing. Agriculture trails behind but still anticipates the need for edge deployment in the future.

Usage Plans for Cloud-Edge-IoT

(% of Respondents)

No Data Found

IoT Usage Plans

While the concept of IoT is already widely understood in Europe, its actual implementation is still growing. Although 50% of industries use IoT to some extent, only a third use it extensively. Another 22% plan to incorporate IoT within the next two years, demonstrating a high intention to embrace it.

Regarding industry-specific adoption, all sectors intend to adopt IoT, although current usage varies. Agriculture and transportation industries lag on average, while manufacturing and healthcare sectors lead the way in IoT implementation.

Usage Plans for Cloud-Edge-IoT

(% of Respondents)

No Data Found

Cloud for IoT

Cloud computing is also crucial to enterprise IT and operations, serving various purposes. The survey discovered that 29% of companies currently use the cloud for IoT, while 33% plan to adopt it.

Regarding industry adoption, agriculture lags in cloud adoption for IoT, with only 12% currently using it (compared to 29% overall), but 42% have plans to do so (compared to 33% overall). Smaller businesses have limited usage, while larger enterprises have embraced it extensively.

Usage Plans for Cloud-Edge-IoT

(% of Respondents)

No Data Found