
Cloud drivers

European companies adopt cloud technologies for multiple reasons. Firstly, they value the flexibility and reliability of cloud infrastructure, allowing them to scale and adapt without expensive hardware investments. Secondly, the cloud fuels innovation, providing a platform for quick ideation and experimentation, ensuring competitiveness. Lastly, the cloud supports the development of cloud-native applications, aligning with the increasing significance of leveraging the full potential of cloud computing.

Benefits of using cloud computing

Question: What are the key benefits cloud computing is bringing/cloud bring to your organisation [Choose up to 3] N=700 (base: all respondents)

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Cloud benefits by industry

Cloud benefits vary by industry in Europe. Transport and agriculture prioritise flexible and reliable IT infrastructure. Healthcare focuses on accelerated ideation, testing, and secure environments. Manufacturing values trust and security, while energy prioritises cloud-native applications. Healthcare and energy have a slightly higher percentage (8.9% and 7.3%, respectively), not considering the cloud a major driver for business growth.

Benefits of cloud by industry

Question: What are the key benefits cloud computing is bringing/cloud bring to your organisation [Choose up to 3] N=700 (base: all respondents)

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Edge drivers

Edge computing complements cloud computing, meeting the different needs of organisations. They are adopting a combination of both to address various use cases. The top benefit is enhanced security and compliance, as data doesn’t need to travel across the network, enabling tighter data control. Another advantage is reduced data transmission, lowering network and storage costs while ensuring availability and reliability. Additionally, low latency is crucial for real-time automated systems, supported by AI analytics models, to deliver instant responses.

Benefits of edge computing

Question: Which benefits of Edge computing are most important for our projects? [Choose up to 3] N=700 (base: all respondents)

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Edge benefits by industry

Cloud benefits vary by industry in Europe. Transport and agriculture prioritise flexible and reliable IT infrastructure. Healthcare focuses on accelerated ideation, testing, and secure environments. Manufacturing values trust and security, while energy prioritises cloud-native applications. Healthcare and energy have a slightly higher percentage (8.9% and 7.3%, respectively), not considering the cloud a major driver for business growth.

Benefits of edge by industry

Question: Which benefits of Edge computing are most important for your projects? [Choose up to 3] N=700 (base: all respondents)

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IoT drivers

Organisations use IoT for cost control, improving financial performance, enhancing customer experience, product quality, and innovation. According to section 3.1.1, 72% of organisations already use or plan to implement IoT. While some consider IoT a tactical efficiency boost, most view it as a strategic or transformative initiative.

Importance of IoT

Question: How important is Internet of Things (IoT) to you business? [Choose up to 3] N=633 (base: IoT use planners)

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Examining the expected outcomes of IoT projects, the focus is on improving efficiency, productivity, customer experience, and decision-making. However, various outcomes highlight IoT’s diverse use cases and objectives. Interestingly, meeting sustainability goals ranked lowest, despite some IoT suppliers emphasising its benefits. For some organisations, energy reduction is considered part of their overall efficiency efforts, while others may have different priorities

Business outcomes expected from IoT projects

Question: What are the key business outcomes that your organisation expects from its IoT projects? [Choose up to 3] N=633 (base: IoT users or planners)

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