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Next-generation IoT insights


Dive into the future of IoT with this next-generation IoT insights webinar. Explore cutting-edge projects that redefine the landscape of IoT technologies. From open, decentralized reference architectures to smart networking...

ECS Brokerage Event 2024

Hotel Le Plaza Brussels Adolphe Maxlaan 118/126, Brussels, Belgium

The ECS Brokerage Event combines the brokerage activities of the industry associations AENEAS, EPoSS and INSIDE into one networking event dedicated to project proposals in the field of Electronic Components...

Meta Operating Systems: Innovating the CEI landscape – Webinar


This webinar offers a unique opportunity to explore state-of-the-art projects that are redefining the boundaries of edge-to-cloud computing through virtualized, secure, and efficient orchestration mechanisms. All projects belonging to the...

Future-proof solutions for cognition-enabled cloud computing – Webinar


Europe’s research funding aims to create breakthroughs in AI enabled cloud computing, allowing self-configuration, self-adjustment, and self-management systems that will enable better performance, lower costs, higher security while facilitating digital...