Towards deployment of Cloud-Edge-IoT solutions across the computing continuum from market pathways to large scale pilots

13:3014:00Registration & Networking coffee (slides here)
14:0014:15High-Level policy welcome (slides here)
Speaker: Rolf Riemenschneider, EC DG Connect 
14:1514:30UNLOCK-CEI overview and its role in the EUCEI ecosystem (slides here)
Speaker: Golboo Pourabdollahian, IDC

Session 1: Results and impact demand side

  • 14:30 – 14:40 CEI Industry insights and market trends, John Gole, IDC (slides here)
  • 14:40 – 14:50 CEI Market pathways and insights, Mark Dietrich, EGI Foundation (slides here)
  • 14:50 – 15:00 CEI Value chain dynamics, Inessa Seifert, VDI (slides here)

  • 15:00 – 15:30 Panel discussion: Reflections on Market insights and industrial practices
  • Eusebiu Catana, ERTICO
  • Mark Dietrich, EGI Foundation
  • John Gole, IDC
  • Bernhard Peischl, AVL
  • Inessa Seifert, VDI
    Moderator: Maria Giuffrida, Trust-IT Services
15:3016:00Networking break 

Session 2: Supply-demand dialogue

  • 16:00 – 16:10 MetaOS ecosystem overview and engagement actions, Tanya Suarez, BluSpecs (slides here)
  • 16:10 –  16:40 Presentation of MetaOS success stories (slides here)
  • Dimitrios Christopoulos, NEMO Project 
  • Michal Klosinski, NeboulOuS Project
  • Marcin Kotliński, ICOS Project
  • Nacho Lacalle, aerOS Project
  • Albert Seubers, FluidOS Project
  • Tasos Zafeiropoulos, NEPHELE Project
  • 16:40 – 17:10 Panel discussion: “Reflections on supply-demand dialogue” 
  • Natalie Samovich, Enercoutim
  • Atif Syed, Wootzano
  • Moderator: Tanya Suarez, BluSpecs

Session 3: UNLOCK-CEI collaborative efforts and legacy

Panel discussion: Joint efforts of EU strategic initiatives: Synergies and way forward
  • Koen De Bosschere, HiPEAC
  • Huascar Espinoza, Chips JU
  • Srđan Krčo, AIOTI
  • Ana Garcia Robles, BDVA
  • Philip Piatkiewicz, ADRA
    Moderator: Golboo Pourabdollahian, IDC
17:5018:10EU-CEI Large scale pilots
Presentation of O-CEI, Ignacio Lacalle, Universitat Politècnica de València
18:1018:20The continuation of EU-CloudEdgeIoT (slides here)
18:2018:30Final Takeaways 
18:3019:30Networking Cocktail and welcome to AIOTI days