Online Workshop: Cloud-Edge-IoT Skills Demands For Adoption

May 29, 2023

In collaboration with LEADS, The EU CEI Task Force 5 on Market and Sectors conducted an online workshop on the 18th of May to assess the digital skills necessary for the progression and successful exploitation of the cloud-edge-iot domain projects.

The workshop availed itself of 5 pre-selected use cases from the EUCEI Initiative to investigate the link between the work done by the Research & Innovation Actions and the market opportunities and obstacles.

The participant projects were the following:

  • aerOS (Autonomous, scalablE, tRustworthy, intelligent European meta Operating System for the IoT edge-cloud continuum) presenting the use cases of 1) a Data-driven cognitive production line and 2) Smart-edge services for the port continuum
  • NebulOus (A meta operating system for brokering hyper-distributed applications on Cloud computing continuums) presenting the use case of International disaster response
  • NEMO (Next Generation Meta Operating System) presenting the use case of Smart farming: precision bio-spraying
  • NEPHELE (A lightweight software stack and synergetic meta-orchestration framework for the next generation compute continuum) presenting the use case of Energy management in smart buildings and cities

The workshop’s schedule was as follows:

  • Introduction
  • Key market demand use cases
    Overview of opportunities for CEI adoption
  • Advanced Digital Skills as levers of adoption
    Addressing the skills demands over the next 5 years and how skills within CEI are evolving
  • Role mapping on key use cases
    Working in groups to understand the key people within diverse MetaOS use cases
  • Building skills profiles
    Applying the LEADS taxonomy to build up a skills profile and be able to predict high risks
  • Future skills demands for EU CEI
    Discussing on the impact the skills dimension will have for the commercial feasibility of systems and applications
  • Plenary discussion
  • Close

Learn more about the EUCEI Task Forces here.

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