Introducing the W3C Community Group on Autonomous Agents on the Web

Introducing the W3C Community Group on Autonomous Agents on the Web

Driven by the research from two European Research Projects – HyperAgents and IntellIoT – and a recent Dagstuhl Seminar that integrated the Web Architecture/Web of Things, Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, and Semantic Web communities, we are happy to announce the founding of a new community group at the World Wide Web Consortium: Autonomous Agents on the Web. This community group is interested in the…

Why the need for a Cloud, Edge and IoT Continuum?

Why the need for a Cloud, Edge and IoT Continuum?

Article by Albert SeubersCo-coordinator of, under Open Continuum, Director of Martel Innovate BV The way we live, work, travel and enjoy life is highly supported by digital technologies, and this is expanding every day. Cloud being the first step into a continuum that served this digitalization by providing sheer endless compute and data storage…

Call for expression of interest on future visions and research directions 2025-27 in the area of Cloud-to-Edge-to-IoT for European Data

Call for expression of interest on future visions and research directions 2025-27 in the area of Cloud-to-Edge-to-IoT for European Data

Under Horizon Europe’s Cluster 4, the European Commission supports a new strategy on the next generation of Cloud-Edge-IoT continuum with more intelligence and autonomy at the edge. R&I investments under WP2020-23 focused on establishing a baseline technology and emerging system concepts based on the cloud-edge computing paradigms by building on relevant elements of computing, connectivity, IoT, AI and cybersecurity.

Horizon Europe Info Day: recording and presentations

On 30 January 2023, the Horizon Europe Info Day, hosted by the European Commission, with the support of EuCloudEdgeIoT and EU-IoT, brought together key stakeholders to present the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023-2024 on “World leading data and computing technologies.” The event offered participants a platform to pitch their ideas to leading research organizations and innovators across the industry.