First online workshop of the Architecture Task Force

April 20, 2023

Task Force 3 Architecture is one of the cooperation mechanisms set up by the European Cloud, Edge and IoT Initiative, whose main aim is to position Europe by developing a common and standardised taxonomy and reference architecture for the Continuum.

Within this context, the task force initiated a set of workshops involving different projects from IoT up to the Cloud, aiming to cover all aspects of the Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum.

The first workshop of the series, namely Common Taxonomy for EU MetaOS: EUCloudEdgeIoT workshop, brought together MetaOS cluster representatives, and an ECSEL one, to discuss a common terminology as well as the minimum expected functionalities for each of the Continuum layers.

The list of participant projects is as follows:

  • aerOS – Autonomous, scalablE, tRustworthy, intelligent European meta Operating System for the IoT edge-cloud continuum
  • FLUIDOS – Flexible, scaLable and secUre dentralizeD Operation
  • ICOS – Towards a functional continuum operating system
  • NebulOus – A meta operating system for brokering hyper-distributed applications on Cloud computing continuums
  • NEMO – Next Generation Meta Operating System
  • NEPHELE – A lightweight software stack and synergetic meta-orchestration framework for the next generation compute continuum
  • TRANSACT – Towards safe and secure distributed cyber-physical systems

More than 30 people participated in this initial discussion, including project coordinators and technical managers, aiming to find a common understanding on the definition of the Continuum from a compute pipeline perspective.

Results collected from this interaction are under consolidation for refining the initial proposal of the Continuum architecture building blocks and terms to be added to the taxonomy.

Other workshops are coming to incorporate other clusters, such as swarm or cognitive ones, as well as other projects focusing on specific Cloud, Edge or IoT topics.

Stay tuned about latest results!

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