Task Forces

The EUCloudEdgeIoT.eu initiative offers a set of cooperation mechanisms with the community of research projects in the Cloud, Edge, IoT and related domains in the form of six individual task forces.

The aim of these task forces is to assist in the coordination and dissemination with stakeholders from the Cloud, Edge and IoT ecosystems, such as research projects, coordination projects, the European Commission, and other organisations. The EUCloudEdgeIoT.eu task forces avoid overlap of work between projects, enable project amplification, and allow the identification of potential areas of collaboration and conflict.
Acting as a multiplier, the goal of EUCloudEdgeIoT Task Forces is also to create common strategies, approaches and methodologies to areas of interest within the CEI Ecosystem, and to increase the visibility of the Cloud, Edge and IoT continuum towards the development of the community. Each TF targets specific types of projects and stakeholders.

Want to join?

If you are interested in joining,
contact  info@eucloudedgeiot.eu


  • Engagement of SDOs
  • Managment of interactions with AIOTI/ECS/GAIA-X/etc.
  • Sharing of academic and technological outputs – common publications/conference papers
  • Standardisation and interoperability approaches

Key Objectives

  • Liaison with EU initiatives (organisations and alliances) involved in the Edge-to-Cloud continuum
  • Identification of a common ground for the computing continuum
  • Share and promote the results of the strategic analysis
  • Share the results of the liason activties



  • Strategies for engaging open source community
  • Successful open source launch
  • Technical tools and requirements for open source

Key Objectives

  • Develop a strategy for European digital autonomy in edge-to-cloud through Open Source
  • Contribute to the definition of a common open architecture for the computing continuum
  • Convince industry and research actors of the potential of Open Source to drive innovation and collaboration
  • Train industry and research actors to embrace a long term Open Source strategy



  • Taxonomy definitions
  • Sharing of components between RIAs
  • Peer review and testing

Key Objectives

  • Enable the architectural discussion among projects in the area of IoT/Edge and Cloud to create a continuum.
  • Identification of the thematic areas and building blocks.
  • Understanding the contribution of each project to the thematic areas



  • Coordination of Open Calls activities
  • Definition of commercial pilots
  • Commercial relationships and workshops

Key Objectives

  • Ensure peer-to-peer learning and sharing of resources related to Open Calls
  • Enable successful engagement of SMEs and startups with the EUCloudEdgeIoT initiative
  • Facilitate access to piloting collaborations and/or partnerships with commercial entities and business units



  • Demand market adoption, drivers and challenges
  • Use-cases characterisation
  • Definition of relevant value chains
  • Sector specific needs and requirements
  • Commercialisation support

Key Objectives

  • Provide insights and transfer knowledge about the CEI demand market trends to projects
  • Support the alignment between supply and demand to bridge the gaps
  • Support the projects for the commercial exploitation of their solutions

Main Results

  • Collaboration Map: The Collaboration Map is a visual representation that illustrates the main elements of MetaOS use cases across three main categories (Project Landscape, User-Centred Impact and Tech Components). The tool is interactive and shows collaboration and innovation opportunities.



  • Management of joint branding
  • Coordination of common events
  • Amplification of RIA activities

Key Objectives

  • Create a brand identity for the EUCloudEdgeIoT initiative and promote an harmonised way among CSAs, creating a shared voice to maximise impact
  • Develop an engaged community containing all the EUCloudEdgeIoT stakeholders, including Meta-OS RIAs and other existing communities (e.g. H-Cloud, NGIoT…)
  • Sustain a continued, content-rich debate on CEI continuum
