Swarms Projects Workshop in Bruxelles
The evolution of the next generation IoT moves in parallel with the increase in the heterogeneity of the IoT technologies.
The Value of Cloud-Edge-IoT Research Projects in the Industry Sector
The European Cloud, Edge, and IoT (EUCloudEdgeIoT, EUCEI) initiative is crucial for promoting digital autonomy in Europe. Supported by the OpenContinuum and Unlock CEI projects, EUCEI aims to advance cloud, edge, and IoT technologies, creating a robust computing ecosystem.
EMPYREAN project: Trustworthy, Cognitive And AI-Driven Collaborative Associations of IoT Devices and Edge Resources for Data Processing
Trustworthy, Cognitive And AI-Driven Collaborative Associations of IoT Devices and Edge Resources for Data Processing
Webinar report: “Tackling the ever-increasing complexities of developing efficient heterogeneous swarm systems”
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 41 has two plenaries per year. When the plenary is not virtual, a country provides
an invitation to host the plenary. The United States, Korea and Finland hosted the last three
plenaries, China will host the next one in November 2024, and France and Norway are considering
to host in 2025.
The ACES-EDGE Project: Advancing Autopoietic Edge-as-a-Service Platforms
The ACES project is spearheading the development of an Edge-as-a-Service (EaaS) platform to handle data-intensive applications at the edge.
Managing IoT Interoperability and Convergence with Edge and Cloud Computing Technologies
The evolution of the next generation IoT moves in parallel with the increase in the heterogeneity of the IoT technologies.