Showcasing Cloud-Edge-IoT innovations at the ENLIT conference

December 7, 2023, represented by the UNLOCK-CEI project, attended the Enlit Europe conference in Paris from 28 to 30 November 2023. The event featured a booth where EUCloudEdgeIoT community representatives presented their work on energy use cases and shared insights on market trends and value chains within the Cloud-Edge-IoT (CEI) Continuum in the energy sector, as also detailed in a recently published brochure.

The booth also focused on the collaborative efforts of the EUCloudEdgeIoT community’s thematic task forces. These groups aim to coordinate and disseminate information across the Cloud, Edge, and IoT ecosystems, facilitating project collaborations and developing common strategies to enhance the visibility of the CEI continuum.

During the conference, Claudio De Majo (Trust-IT) participated in the panel “Energy Data Spaces – Technologies”. The panel discussed the role of CEI technologies in smart grid management and renewable energy integration, highlighting the importance of real-time control for power flow optimisation. The session also discussed in particular the Meta-Operating Systems (MetaOS) projects, which are contributing to the advancement of the CEI continuum through innovations in virtualisation, dynamic computing, and AI integration, particularly in energy sector applications.

EUCloudEdgeIoT aims to support the development of the CEI Continuum, encouraging collaboration among a diverse range of stakeholders, including researchers, developers, and business users.

For further details on EUCloudEdgeIoT’s involvement at the Enlit Europe conference, please refer to our post-event reportage:



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