DIGITALEUROPE, the key association for digital industry transformation in Europe, has released its manifesto, “Europe 2030: a Digital Powerhouse”.
This document, pertinent to stakeholders in the cloud, edge, and IoT sectors, outlines a pragmatic approach for Europe to become a leader in technologies like AI, cybersecurity, and the computing continuum.
Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl, Director-General of DIGITALEUROPE, highlighted the vital role of digital technologies, including cloud and IoT, in navigating recent global challenges. She emphasised the need for a balanced approach in leveraging these technologies for Europe’s resilience and growth.
The manifesto’s release is timely, considering the European Commission’s 2023 report that points to the EU’s need to catch up in its Digital Decade targets. Notably, current projections show only 34% of businesses are expected to utilise big data by 2030, significantly below the 75% goal. Similarly, AI adoption is trailing at 20%.
Stagnation is also evident in the cross-border activities of SMEs and in the global positioning of European tech companies. Just 8% of SMEs engage in trade across European borders, and only about 10% of the world’s top tech companies are headquartered in the EU.
The manifesto outlines not only the challenges but also proposes a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and comprehensive solutions, which are ambitious but achievable with a collaborative approach.
The complete manifesto, detailing the strategic roadmap and proposed solutions, is available for reading and download on DIGITALEUROPE’s website.