Announcing the CEI-Sphere Project: Empowering Innovation in Cloud-Edge-IoT

October 11, 2024

The official launch of the CEI-Sphere Coordination and Support Action (CSA) marks an exciting new chapter in the development of Europe’s Cloud-Edge-IoT (CEI) ecosystem. Building on the legacy of the UNLOCK-CEI project, CEI-Sphere will continue to drive progress in creating an open, interoperable, and competitive CEI Continuum, fostering innovation and collaboration across critical industries.

A key feature of CEI-Sphere is the Large-Scale Pilots (LSPs), which will kick off in January 2025. These pilots, beginning with the energy sector, will serve as testbeds for the latest cloud-edge innovations. The LSPs will also play a critical role in developing continuous engagement environments, or “spheres,” around key vertical industries, ensuring sustained cross-sector collaboration and alignment with European priorities such as open-source, data spaces, and standards.

Over the next 30 months, CEI-Sphere will focus on delivering several impactful outcomes, including:

  • Defining a high-level CEI reference architecture
  • Establishing a comprehensive use-case catalogue and conducting market analysis
  • Developing an innovation ecosystem visualisation tool
  • Establishing a certification framework to ensure the long-term success of CEI infrastructure

CEI-Sphere will continue to align with major EU initiatives such as IPCEI Cloud, NGI (Next Generation Internet), Chips JU, and NexusForum.EU. Through its clustering activities, hackathons, and policy recommendations, CEI-Sphere aims to accelerate standardisation, interoperability, and partnerships across Europe’s Cloud-Edge-IoT ecosystem.

Stay tuned as we prepare for the LSPs launch in January 2025 and continue to unlock the potential of CEI in Europe!

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